제목 : local deformation lifting rings and their properties
연사 : SuhHyun Choi
연사 소속 : Harvard University
일시 : 2009/1/20 15:00~16:30
장소 : 자연과학동 #2411
초청자 : 김동수
In 1994, Andrew Wiles and Richard Taylor showed that R, the universal
deformation ring which represents the deformations of an absolutely
irreducible mod l Galois representation (of type D) is isomorphic to
the Hecke algebra (of type D) T to prove Fermat's last theorem. Since
then, deformation rings and deformation lifting rings became important
and appeared in many proofs of several modularity problems of Galois
representations, including Fontaine-Mazur conjecture in GL_2 case and
Sato-Tate conjecture. Therefore, it is useful to know the properties
of local deformation lifting rings. In this talk, I will give results
on smoothness of local deformation lifting rings of mod l Galois
representations and characterize their irreducible components for some