강연주제: Relative bounded cohomology
연사 : Park, HeeSook (박희숙) 박사
소속 : ASARC
날짜 : 11월 5일  수요일  (16:30~17:30)
장소 : ASARC 세미나실 (#1409)
초록 : We extend the homological algebra approach to the theory of the bounded cohomology from the absolute to the relative case. Moreover, we extend the theory of relative bounded cohomology from the usual case of a pair of spaces \( (X, Y) \) with \( Y \subset X \) to the
more general case of any continuous map \( Y \to X \) of spaces\( X \) and
\( Y \). Similarly, we extend a pair of groups \( (G, A) \) with \( A \subset G \) to any homomorphism \( A \to G \) of groups \( G \) and \( A \). 

An important feature of the theory of the bounded cohomology is that the bounded cohomology of a connected topological space and its fundamental group coincide. Our general framework with continuous maps and homomorphisms turns out to be
necessary for comparing the relative bounded cohomology of spaces with the relative bounded cohomology of groups. With this, we prove that the relative bounded
cohomology of a continuous map \( Y \to X \) of spaces \( X \) and \( Y \) and
the relative bounded cohomology of the induced homomorphism \( \pi_{1}Y \to
\pi_{1}X \) coincide.

제목 : Relative bounded cohomology

댓글 0

번호 제목 글쓴이 날짜 조회 수
284 학부 콜로퀴움(조철현 교수[서울대 수리과학부]),2008.12.4(목),오후5:30-6:30) 과사무실 2008.11.28 3496
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282 Graduate Student Seminar in ASARC (12월 1일 (월) 오후 5:00) 과사무실 2008.11.24 896
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278 계산수학 세미나(양성대 박사[국가수리과학연구소]),2008.11.7(금),16:30) 과사무실 2008.11.05 1243
277 함수 해석학 세미나(이훈희박사,2008.11.6(목),16:00) 과사무실 2008.11.04 2012
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274 응용수학 세미나(목,4:30,송경우경희대교수) 과사무실 2008.10.28 1970
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269 가을학기 콜로퀴움(이준엽 교수 [이화여자대학교]),2008.11.27(목),16:00) 과사무실 2008.10.02 2832
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265 가을학기 콜로퀴움(최윤서 교수[고등과학원]),2008.10.17(금),16:00) 과사무실 2008.10.01 1888