***** KAIST Discete Math Semianr *****

DATE: August 11, Monday


PLACE: E6-1, ROOM 1409

SPEAKER: Chung-Kil Hur (허충길), University of Cambridge, UK

TITLE: Term Equational Systems and Logics

Equational reasoning is fundamental in automated theorem proving
(that is, the proving of mathematical theorems by a compuer program),
and rewriting is a powerful method for equational reasoning.
Category theory is a mathematical theory that deals in an abstract way
with mathematical structures and relationships between them.

Using category theory, we have developed a framework for equational reasoning.
A Term Equational System (TES) is given by a semantic universe and
an abstract notion of syntax; and given this, we automatically derive
a sound logical deduction system, called Term Equational Logic (TEL).
Furthermore, we provide an algebraic free construction for the system,
which may be used to synthesise a sound and complete rewriting system for it.

Existing systems arising in this framework include:

- first-order equational logic and rewriting system;
- combinatory reduction system of Klop;
- binding equational logic and rewriting system of Hamana; and
- nominal equational logics independently developed
    by Gabbay and Matheijssen, and Clouston and Pitts.

Especially, following the above scenario in our framework,
we have newly developed a sound and complete rewriting system
for nominal equational logic.

In this talk, rather than going into the technical details,
I will focus on explaining basic ideas of category theory
and how it can be used in practice.

This is joint work with Marcelo Fiore.
Informations on future talks can be found at :

Please email to sangil (at) kaist.edu if you wish to receive this
announcements in the future by email.

댓글 0

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