복소기하학 세미나(9.19(수),16:00)

과사무실 2007.09.10 18:07 조회 수 : 1218

연사: 최인송(고등과학원)

일시: 2007년 9월 19일(수요일) 오후 4시 - 5시 15분

장소: 자연과학동 2411호

제목: Elementary transformations and the geometry of the moduli of vector  
bundles over an algebraic curve

초록: The elementary transformation is a simple process to transform  
a vector bundle into another one. In this talk, we consider several contexts  
in which this process plays an essential role in the study of the geometry of  
the moduli of vector bundles over an algebraic curve.  

댓글 0

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