복소기하학 세미나(10.10(수),16:00)

과사무실 2007.09.10 18:01 조회 수 : 1775

연사: 최재유 박사(고등과학원)

일시:2007년 10월 10일, 16:00-17:15

장소: 자연과학동 2411호

제목: Donaldson theory and Moduli of sheaves in Algebraic Geometry

초록: In this seminar, I would like to explain two interrelated theories, Donaldson theory (abbr. DT) and Moduli of sheaves in AG (abbr. AG); perhaps one more theory, Moduli of represenations in Representation Theory (abbr. RT), if time permits. The relation between DT and AG is called Kobayashi-Hitchin correspondence while the one between AG (or DT) and RT is Riemann-Hilbert correspondence. The moduli problems of DT and AG are realized as the moduli spaces of Yang-Mills connections and the moduli schemes of coherent sheaves, both of which are endowed with canonical analytic structures. I will present some technicalities inside their constructions, the correspondence and properties including local algebraic-analytic structures.

댓글 0

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