연사 : Professor Urs Frauenfelder(LMU, Germany)
제목 :Compactness of gradient flow lines of Rabinowitz's action
functional on very negative line bundles.
일시 : 2007. 7. 31(화), 14:00-15:00
장소 : 2411호(세미나실)
문의 : 수리과학과 사무실 T.2703
Abstract: This is joint work with Kai Cieliebak. The motivation for
this research is to find an alternative proof of the Arnold conjecture
including torsion which does not need abstract perturbation techniques.
The crucial point is that on very negative line bundles there are
generically no holomorphic spheres and hence no bubbling. However,
compactness of gradient flow lines for Rabinowitz's action functional
also requires a uniform bound on the Lagrange multiplier. New techniques
are explained to obtain this bound also in the nonexact case of
negative line bundles.