연사 : 백진호교수(New York Univ.)
제목 : "Random matrices and applications (II)"
일시 : 2007. 5. 22(화), 17:00
장소 : 자연과학동 3435호실
문의 : 수리과학과 사무실 T.2703
The probabilistic properties of eigenvalues of random matrices
appear in many contexts in mathematics and other areas of sciences.
For example, in nuclear physics, statistical physics (random growth
models), combinatorics and probability (random permutations, random
tiling), number theory (Riemann-zeta function) and statistics
(sample covariance matrix). In a series of two talks, we will
introduce a few random matrix ensembles, and discuss their
properties and applications. The speaker will try to make the talks
accessible to graduate students/upper undergraduate students.