Tuesday, August 30, 2022

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2022-09-02 / 11:00 ~ 12:00
IBS-KAIST 세미나 - 수리생물학: 인쇄
by ()
The activation of Ras depends upon the translocation of its guanine nucleotide exchange factor, Sos, to the plasma membrane. Moreover, artificially inducing Sos to translocate to the plasma membrane is sufficient to bring about Ras activation and activation of Ras’s targets. There are many other examples of signaling proteins that must translocate to the membrane in order to relay a signal. One attractive idea is that translocation promotes signaling by bringing a protein closer to its target. However, proteins that are anchored to the membrane diffuse more slowly than cytosolic proteins do, and it is not clear whether the concentration effect or the diffusion effect would be expected to dominate. Here we have used a reconstituted, controllable system to measure the association rate for the same binding reaction in 3D vs. 2D to see whether association is promoted, and, if so, how.
2022-09-06 / 16:30 ~ 17:30
IBS-KAIST 세미나 - 이산수학: A local version of Katona’s intersection theorem 인쇄
by Bjarne Schuelke(Caltech)
Katona's intersection theorem states that every intersecting family $\mathcal F\subseteq[n]^{(k)}$ satisfies $\vert\partial\mathcal F\vert\geq\vert\mathcal F\vert$, where $\partial\mathcal F=\{F\setminus x:x\in F\in\mathcal F\}$ is the shadow of $\mathcal F$. Frankl conjectured that for $n>2k$ and every intersecting family $\mathcal F\subseteq [n]^{(k)}$, there is some $i\in[n]$ such that $\vert \partial \mathcal F(i)\vert\geq \vert\mathcal F(i)\vert$, where $\mathcal F(i)=\{F\setminus i:i\in F\in\mathcal F\}$ is the link of $\mathcal F$ at $i$. Here, we prove this conjecture in a very strong form for $n> \binom{k+1}{2}$. In particular, our result implies that for any $j\in[k]$, there is a $j$-set $\{a_1,\dots,a_j\}\in[n]^{(j)}$ such that \[ \vert \partial \mathcal F(a_1,\dots,a_j)\vert\geq \vert\mathcal F(a_1,\dots,a_j)\vert.\]A similar statement is also obtained for cross-intersecting families.
2022-09-06 / 14:30 ~ 16:00
학과 세미나/콜로퀴엄 - 정수론: 인쇄
by ()
We define the notion of infinity-categories and Kan complex using observations from the previous talk. A process, called the nerve construction, producing infinity-categories from usual categories will be introduced and we will set dictionaries between them. Infinity-categories of functors will be introduced as well.
2022-08-30 / 14:30 ~ 16:00
학과 세미나/콜로퀴엄 - 정수론: 인쇄
by ()
This talk is the very first talk for a semester long series on higher algebra. Higher algerbra is the study of algebraic objects in spaces, correcting abnormal behavior of classical homological algebra and encorporating spheres into algebra. In this talk, we will see a concerete example of a higher-algebraic structure on singular cochains, and what structures are needed to formalize such structures with concrete diagrams. We assume familiarity with algebraic topology, category theory and homological algebra (at the first year graduate level).
2022-08-30 / 16:30 ~ 17:30
IBS-KAIST 세미나 - 이산수학: Number of (k-1)-cliques in k-critical graph 인쇄
by Jun Gao(IBS 극단조합및확률그룹)
We prove that for $n>k\geq 3$, if $G$ is an $n$-vertex graph with chromatic number $k$ but any its proper subgraph has smaller chromatic number, then $G$ contains at most $n-k+3$ copies of cliques of size $k-1$. This answers a problem of Abbott and Zhou and provides a tight bound on a conjecture of Gallai. This is joint work with Jie Ma.
Events for the 취소된 행사 포함 모두인쇄
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