Wednesday, October 5, 2022

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2022-10-07 / 11:00 ~ 12:00
학과 세미나/콜로퀴엄 - 응용 및 계산수학 세미나: 인쇄
by 홍영준 교수(성균관대학교 수학과)

2022-10-06 / 17:00 ~ 18:00
학과 세미나/콜로퀴엄 - Mathematics & Beyond Seminar: 인쇄
by (이화여대 의과대학, 의료윤리학 및 의사학)

2022-10-05 / 15:00 ~ 16:00
학과 세미나/콜로퀴엄 - 기타: 인쇄
by 최인혁(KAIST)
This series of talks is intended to be a gentle introduction to the random walk theory on infinite groups and hyperbolic spaces. We will touch upon keywords including hyperbolicity, stationary measure, boundaries and limit laws. Those who are interested in geometric group theory or random walks are welcomed to join.
2022-10-07 / 11:00 ~ 12:00
IBS-KAIST 세미나 - 수리생물학: 인쇄
by ()
Cell growth, DNA replication, mitosis and division are the fundamental processes by which life is passed on from one generation of eukaryotic cells to the next. The eukaryotic cell cycle is intrinsically a periodic process but not so much a ‘clock’ as a ‘copy machine’, making new daughter cells as warranted. Cells growing under ideal conditions divide with clock-like regularity; however, if they are challenged with DNA-damaging agents or mitotic spindle disruptors, they will not progress to the next stage of the cycle until the damage is repaired. These ‘decisions’ (to exit and re-enter the cell cycle) are essential to maintain the integrity of the genome from generation to generation. A crucial challenge for molecular cell biologists in the 1990s was to unravel the genetic and biochemical mechanisms of cell cycle control in eukaryotes. Central to this effort were biochemical studies of the clock-like regulation of ‘mitosis promoting factor’ during synchronous mitotic cycles of fertilized frog eggs and genetic studies of the switch-like regulation of ‘cyclin-dependent kinases’ in yeast cells. The complexity of these control systems demands a dynamical approach, as described in the first lecture. Using mathematical models of the control systems, I will uncover some of the secrets of cell cycle ‘clocks’ and ‘switches’.
2022-10-07 / 10:30 ~ 11:00
IBS-KAIST 세미나 - 수리생물학: 인쇄
by ()
The driving passion of molecular cell biologists is to understand the molecular mechanisms that control important aspects of cell physiology, but this ambition is – paradoxically – limited by the very wealth of molecular details currently known about these mechanisms. Their complexity overwhelms our intuitive notions of how molecular regulatory networks might respond under normal and stressful conditions. To make progress we need a new paradigm for connecting molecular biology to cell physiology. I will outline an approach that uses precise mathematical methods to associate the qualitative features of dynamical systems, as conveyed by ‘bifurcation diagrams’, with ‘signal–response’ curves measured by cell biologists.
2022-10-06 / 11:50 ~ 12:30
대학원생 세미나 - 대학원생 세미나: Shift locus of cubic polynomial 인쇄
by 백주헌(KAIST)
This talk is about the complex dynamics, which cares the iteration of holomorphic map (usually a rational map on the Riemann sphere), and the shift locus is a nice set of polynomials that all critical points escape to infinity under iteration. Understanding the shape and topology of shift locus is a challenge for decades, and accumulated works are done by Blanchard, Branner, Hubbard, Keen, McMullen, and recently Calegari introduce a nice lamination model. In this talk I will explain the basic complex dynamics and introduce the topology of the shift locus of cubic polynomials done by Calegari's paper 'Sausages and Butcher paper' and if time allows, I will end this talk with the connection to the Big mapping class group, the MCG of Sphere - Cantor set.
2022-10-11 / 16:30 ~ 17:30
IBS-KAIST 세미나 - 이산수학: Exact results for generalized extremal problems forbidding an even cycle 인쇄
by Nika Salia(IBS 극단조합및확률그룹)
We determine the maximum number of copies of $K_{s,s}$ in a $C_{2s+2}$-free $n$-vertex graph for all integers $s \ge 2$ and sufficiently large $n$. Moreover, for $s\in\{2,3\}$ and any integer $n$ we obtain the maximum number of cycles of length $2s$ in an $n$-vertex $C_{2s+2}$-free bipartite graph. This is joint work with Ervin Győri (Renyi Institute), Zhen He (Tsinghua University), Zequn Lv (Tsinghua University), Casey Tompkins (Renyi Institute), Kitti Varga (Technical University of Budapest BME), and Xiutao Zhu (Nanjing University).
Events for the 취소된 행사 포함 모두인쇄
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