2023-02-17 / 10:00 ~ 11:30
학과 세미나/콜로퀴엄 - 정수론: Introduction to Breuil-Kisin modules and application to Galois deformation theory |
by 김완수(KAIST), 박철(UNIST)()
The aim of the lecture series is twofold:
(1) give an overview of the “classical” theory of Breuil-Kisin modules, and
(2) discuss its application to the construction of certain p-adic Galois deformation rings.
In the first talk by Wansu Kim (Moday at 10am), we will give a general introduction to the p-adic Hodge theory (focusing on p-adic Galois representations). In the first half of the lecture series, Wansu Kim will explain the “classical” theory of Breuil-Kisin modules following the seminal paper of Kisin’s (Crystalline representations and F-crystals, from Drinfeld’s 50th birthday conference proceeding). In the second half of the lecture series, Chol Park will explain its application to the explicit computation of p-adic local Galois deformation rings cut out by certain p-adic Hodge-theoretic condition.
Here is the time and venue for each talk:
13 Feb (Mon): 3 talks
*) 10-11:30 & 14-15:30 at E6-1, Rm 1401 (최석정강의실)
*) 16:00 -17:30 at E6-1, Rm 3434
14 Feb (Tue): 1 talk
*) 16:15 -17:45 at E6-1, Rm 3434
15 Feb (Wed) to 16 Feb (Thu):
*) 10-11:30 & 14-15:30 at E6-1, Rm 1401 (최석정강의실)
*) (TBD) 16:00 -17:30 at E6-1, Rm 3434 (in case we need extra lecture)
17 Feb (Fri)
*) 10-11:30 at E6-1, Rm 3438
*) (TBD) 14-15:30 at E6-1, Rm 3438 (in case we need extra lecture)