Tuesday, August 6, 2024

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2024-08-08 / 16:00 ~ 17:00
편미분방정식 통합연구실 세미나 - 편미분방정식: 인쇄
by ()
We consider Calogero—Moser derivative NLS (CM-DNLS) equation which can be seen as a continuum version of completely integrable Calogero—Moser many-body systems in classical mechanics. Soliton resolution refers to the phenomenon where solutions asymptotically decompose into a sum of solitons and a dispersive radiation term as time progresses. Our work proves soliton resolution for both finite-time blow-up and global solutions without radial symmetry or size constraints. Although the equation exhibits integrability, our proof does not depend on this property, potentially providing insights applicable to other non-integrable models. This research is based on the joint work with Soonsik Kwon (KAIST).
2024-08-08 / 15:00 ~ 16:00
편미분방정식 통합연구실 세미나 - 편미분방정식: 인쇄
by ()
We consider the global dynamics of finite energy solutions to energy-critical equivariant harmonic map heat flow (HMHF). It is known that any finite energy equivariant solutions to (HMHF) decompose into finitely many harmonic maps (bubbles) separated by scales and a body map, as approaching to the maximal time of existence. Our main result for (HMHF) gives a complete classification of their dynamics for equivariance indices D≥3; (i) they exist globally in time, (ii) the number of bubbles and signs are determined by the energy class of the initial data, and (iii) the scales of bubbles are asymptotically given by a universal sequence of rates up to scaling symmetry. In parallel, we also obtain a complete classification of $\dot{H}^1$-bounded radial solutions to energy-critical heat equations in dimensions N≥7, building upon soliton resolution for such solutions. This is a joint work with Frank Merle (IHES and CY Cergy-Paris University).
2024-08-08 / 16:00 ~ 17:30
학과 세미나/콜로퀴엄 - 기타: Introduction to Milnor K-theory 6: proof of Suslin reciprocity and reinterpretation of Gauss quadratic reciprocity 인쇄
by 사킵 무쉬타크 샤(Indian Statistical Institute - Bangalore)
Mr. Saqib Mushtaq Shah, a KAIX visiting graduate student from ISI Bangalore who will stay at KAIST for 8 weeks, is going to give a series of weekly talks on the Milnor K-theory from the beginning. It is part of his KAIX summer internship works.
2024-08-13 / 16:30 ~ 17:30
IBS-KAIST 세미나 - 이산수학: Formalizing matroid theory in a proof assistant 인쇄
by Peter Nelson(University of Waterloo)
For the past few years, I’ve been working on formalizing proofs in matroid theory using the Lean proof assistant. This has led me to many interesting and unexpected places. I’ll talk about what formalization looks like in practice from the perspective of a combinatorialist.
2024-08-06 / 16:30 ~ 17:30
IBS-KAIST 세미나 - 이산수학: Matroid depth and width parameters 인쇄
by Daniel Kráľ(Masaryk University)
Depth and width parameters of graphs, e.g., tree-width, path-width and tree-depth, play a crucial role in algorithmic and structural graph theory. These notions are of fundamental importance in the theory of graph minors, fixed parameter complexity and the theory of sparsity. In this talk, we will survey structural and algorithmic results that concern width and depth parameters of matroids. We will particularly focus on matroid depth parameters and discuss the relation of the presented concepts to discrete optimization. As an application, we will present matroid based algorithms that uncover a hidden Dantzig-Wolfe-like structure of an input instance (if such structure is present) and transform instances of integer programming to equivalent ones, which are amenable to the existing tools in integer programming. The most recent results presented in the talk are based on joint work with Marcin Briański, Jacob Cooper, Timothy F. N. Chan, Martin Koutecký, Ander Lamaison, Kristýna Pekárková and Felix Schröder.
2024-08-07 / 14:00 ~ 15:00
학과 세미나/콜로퀴엄 - 정수론: 인쇄
by ()
For motivational purposes, we begin by explaining the classical Satake isomorphism from which we deduce the unramified local Langlands correspondence. Then we explain a geometric interpretation of the Satake isomorphism. More precisely, we explain how one can view Hecke operators as global functions on the moduli space of unramified L-parameters. This viewpoint arises from the categorical local Langlands correspondence. The main content of the talk is p-adic and mod p analogues of this interpretation, where the space of unramified L-parameters is replaced by certain loci in the moduli stack of p-adic Galois representations (so-called the Emerton-Gee stack). We will also discuss their relationship with the categorical p-adic local Langlands program.
Events for the 취소된 행사 포함 모두인쇄
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