Friday, May 26, 2023

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2023-06-02 / 15:00 ~ 16:00
학과 세미나/콜로퀴엄 - Face the World with Mathematical Mind: 수학자, 창업기업가, 정치인 그리고 장관으로의 30년 여정 인쇄
by 이영(중소벤처기업부)

2023-05-26 / 11:00 ~ 12:00
학과 세미나/콜로퀴엄 - 응용 및 계산수학 세미나: 인쇄
by 길이만(성균관대)
This talk presents new methods of solving machine learning problems using probability models. For classification problems, the classifier referred to as the class probability output network (CPON) which can provide accurate posterior probabilities for the soft classification decision, is proposed. In this model, the uncertainty of decision is defined using the accuracy of estimation. The deep structure of CPON is also presented to obtain the best classification performance for the given data. Applications of CPON models are also addressed.
2023-05-30 / 16:30 ~ 17:30
IBS-KAIST 세미나 - 이산수학: How connectivity affects the extremal number of trees 인쇄
by Suyun Jiang(Jianghan University)
The Erdős-Sós conjecture states that the maximum number of edges in an $n$-vertex graph without a given $k$-vertex tree is at most $\frac {n(k-2)}{2}$. Despite significant interest, the conjecture remains unsolved. Recently, Caro, Patkós, and Tuza considered this problem for host graphs that are connected. Settling a problem posed by them, for a $k$-vertex tree $T$, we construct $n$-vertex connected graphs that are $T$-free with at least $(1/4-o_k(1))nk$ edges, showing that the additional connectivity condition can reduce the maximum size by at most a factor of 2. Furthermore, we show that this is optimal: there is a family of $k$-vertex brooms $T$ such that the maximum size of an $n$-vertex connected $T$-free graph is at most $(1/4+o_k(1))nk$.
2023-05-26 / 16:00 ~ 17:30
SAARC 세미나 - SAARC 세미나: 인쇄
by ()
In this talk, we are going to consider the Fermi-Pasta-Ulam (FPU) system with in nitely many oscil- lators. We particularly see that Harmonic analysis approaches allow us to observe dispersive properties of solutions to a reformulated FPU system, and with this observation, solutions to the FPU system can be approximated by counter-propagating waves governed by the Korteweg de-Vries (KdV) equation as the lattice spacing approaches zero. Additionally, we see di erent phenomena detected in the periodic FPU system.
2023-05-26 / 10:00 ~ 11:00
SAARC 세미나 - SAARC 세미나: 인쇄
by 오민환(서울대학교)
Despite much recent progress in analyzing algorithms in the linear MDPs and their variants, the understanding of more general transition models is still very restrictive. We study provably efficient RL algorithms for the MDP whose state transition is given by a multinomial logistic model. We establish the regret guarantees for the algorithms based on multinomial logistic function approximation. We also comprehensively evaluate our proposed algorithm numerically and show that it consistently outperforms the existing methods, hence achieving both provable efficiency and practical superior performance.
2023-06-01 / 11:50 ~ 12:40
대학원생 세미나 - 대학원생 세미나: 인쇄
by 김한솔(카이스트)
We introduce elliptic curves, their Mordell-Weil group structure, and isogenies over number fields. At the last of the talk, some results on the torsion subgroups of Mordell-Weil groups of elliptic curves defined over a number field will be given. The results are joint works with my advisor Bo-Hae Im.
Events for the 취소된 행사 포함 모두인쇄
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