Wednesday, October 25, 2023

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2023-10-30 / 16:00 ~ 17:00
학과 세미나/콜로퀴엄 - 위상수학 세미나: 인쇄
by ()
: For a translation surface, the associated saddle connection graph has saddle connections as vertices, and edges connecting pairs of non-crossing saddle connections. This can be viewed as an induced subgraph of the arc graph of the surface. In this talk, I will discuss both the fine and coarse geometry of the saddle connection graph. We show that the isometry type is rigid: any isomorphism between two such graphs is induced by an affine diffeomorphism between the underlying translation surfaces. However, the situation is completely different when one considers the quasi-isometry type: all saddle connection graphs form a single quasi-isometry class. We will also discuss the Gromov boundary in terms of foliations. This is based on joint work with Valentina Disarlo, Huiping Pan, and Anja Randecker.
2023-10-27 / 16:00 ~ 17:00
SAARC 세미나 - SAARC 세미나: 인쇄
by ()
The talk will focus on a part of the frontier of our current understanding of nonlinear stability of traveling waves of partial differential equations, especially on how spectral stability implies nonlinear stability and which kind of dynamics may be expected. We shall highlight main expected difficulties related to the stability of discontinuous waves of hyperbolic systems, and show a few significant steps obtained by the speaker with respectively Vincent Duchêne (Rennes), Gregory Faye (Toulouse) and Louis Garénaux (Karslruhe).
2023-11-01 / 16:00 ~ 17:00
IBS-KAIST 세미나 - 수리생물학: 인쇄
by ()
The Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Adrenal (HPA) axis is the key regulatory pathway responsible for maintaining homeostasis under conditions of real or perceived stress. Endocrine responses to stressors are mediated by adrenocorticotrophic hormone (ACTH) and corticosteroid (CORT) hormones. In healthy, non-stressed conditions, ACTH and CORT exhibit highly correlated ultradian pulsatility with an amplitude modulated by circadian processes. Disruption of these hormonal rhythms can occur as a result of stressors or in the very early stages of disease. Despite the fact that misaligned endocrine rhythms are associated with increased morbidity, a quantitative understanding of their mechanistic origin and pathogenicity is missing. Mathematically, the HPA axis can be understood as a dynamical system that is optimised to respond and adapt to perturbations. Normally, the body copes well with minor disruptions, but finds it difficult to withstand severe, repeated or long-lasting perturbations. Whilst a healthy HPA axis maintains a certain degree of robustness to stressors, its fragility in diseased states is largely unknown, and this understanding constitutes a critical step toward the development of digital tools to support clinical decision-making. This talk will explore how these challenges are being addressed by combining high-resolution biosampling techniques with mathematical and computational analysis methods. This interdisciplinary approach is helping us quantify the inter-individual variability of daily hormone profiles and develop novel “dynamic biomarkers” that serve as a normative reference and to signal endocrine dysfunction. By shifting from a qualitative to a quantitative description of the HPA axis, these insights bring us a step closer to personalised clinical interventions for which timing is key.
2023-10-31 / 16:30 ~ 17:30
IBS-KAIST 세미나 - 이산수학: Odd distances in colourings of the plane 인쇄
by James Davies(University of Cambridge)
We prove that every finite colouring of the plane contains a monochromatic pair of points at an odd integral distance from each other.
2023-10-30 / 16:30 ~ 17:30
학과 세미나/콜로퀴엄 - 박사논문심사: 다각형 격자 위에서 탄성 문제 및 스톡스 문제를 풀기 위한 새로운 부접합 가상요소법 인쇄
by ()

2023-10-30 / 16:30 ~ 17:30
학과 세미나/콜로퀴엄 - 박사논문심사: 다각형 격자 위에서 탄성 문제 및 스톡스 문제를 풀기 위한 새로운 부접합 가상요소법 인쇄
by ()

2023-10-26 / 14:30 ~ 15:45
학과 세미나/콜로퀴엄 - 기타: 인쇄
by ()

2023-10-25 / 15:00 ~ 16:00
학과 세미나/콜로퀴엄 - 미분기하 세미나: 인쇄
by (포항공대)
The Gauss-Bonnet theorem implies that the two dimensional torus does not have nonnegative Gauss curvature unless it is flat, and that the two dimensional sphere does not a metric which has Gaussian curvature bounded below by one and metric bounded below by the standard round metric. Gromov proposed a series of conjectures on generalizing the Gauss-Bonnet theorem in his four lectures. I will report my work with Gaoming Wang (now Tsinghua) on Gromov dihedral rigidity conjecture in hyperbolic 3-space and scalar curvature comparison of rotationally symmetric convex bodies with some simple singularities.
2023-10-31 / 16:00 ~ 17:00
SAARC 세미나 - SAARC 세미나: Colloquium: Efficient Algorithms for Exact Graph Matching on Correlated Stochastic Block Models with Constant Correlation 인쇄
by 정혜원(KAIST 전기및전자공학부)
We consider the problem of graph matching, or learning vertex correspondence, between two correlated stochastic block models (SBMs). The graph matching problem arises in various fields, including computer vision, natural language processing and bioinformatics, and in particular, matching graphs with inherent community structure has significance related to de-anonymization of correlated social networks. Compared to the correlated Erdos-Renyi (ER) model, where various efficient algorithms have been developed, among which a few algorithms have been proven to achieve the exact matching with constant edge correlation, no low-order polynomial algorithm has been known to achieve exact matching for the correlated SBMs with constant correlation. In this work, we propose an efficient algorithm for matching graphs with community structure, based on the comparison between partition trees rooted from each vertex, by extending the idea of Mao et al. (2021) to graphs with communities. The partition tree divides the large neighborhoods of each vertex into disjoint subsets using their edge statistics to different communities. Our algorithm is the first low-order polynomial-time algorithm achieving exact matching between two correlated SBMs with high probability in dense graphs.
Events for the 취소된 행사 포함 모두인쇄
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