In this talk, we address a question whether a mean-field approach for a large particle system is always a good approximation for a large particle system or not. For definiteness, we consider an infinite Kuramoto model for a countably infinite set of Kuramoto oscillators and study its emergent dynamics for two classes of network topologies. For a class of symmetric and row (or columm)-summable network topology, we show that a homogeneous ensemble exhibits complete synchronization, and the infinite Kuramoto model can cast as a gradient flow, whereas we obtain a weak synchronization estimate, namely practical synchronization for a heterogeneous ensemble. Unlike with the finite Kuramoto model, phase diameter can be constant for some class of network topologies which is a novel feature of the infinite model. We also consider a second class of network topology (so-called a sender network) in which coupling strengths are proportional to a constant that depends only on sender's index number. For this network topology, we have a better control on emergent dynamics. For a homogeneous ensemble, there are only two possible asymptotic states, complete phase synchrony or bi-cluster configuration in any positive coupling strengths. In contrast, for a heterogeneous ensemble, complete synchronization occurs exponentially fast for a class of initial configuration confined in a quarter arc. This is a joint work with Euntaek Lee (SNU) and Woojoo Shim (Kyungpook National University).