Tuesday, September 5, 2023

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2023-09-11 / 16:00 ~ 17:00
학과 세미나/콜로퀴엄 - 위상수학 세미나: 인쇄
by 최인혁(고등과학원)
In the past decades, there has been considerable progress in the theory of random walks on groups acting on hyperbolic spaces. Despite the abundance of such groups, this theory is inherently not preserved under quasi-isometry. In this talk, I will present our study of random walks on groups that satisfy a certain QI-invariant property that does not refer to an action on hyperbolic spaces. Joint work with Kunal Chawla, Kasra Rafi, and Vivian He.
2023-09-06 / 16:00 ~ 17:00
IBS-KAIST 세미나 - 수리생물학: 인쇄
by ()
Mathematical models of biological systems, including neurons, often feature components that evolve on very different timescales. Mathematical analysis of these multi-timescale systems can be greatly simplified by partitioning them into subsystems that evolve on different time scales. The subsystems are then analyzed semi-independently, using a technique called fast-slow analysis. I will briefly describe the fast-slow analysis technique and its application to neuronal bursting oscillations and basic coupled neuron modeling. After this, I will discuss fancier forms of dynamics such as canard oscillations, mixed-mode oscillations, and three-timescale dynamics. Although these examples all involve neural systems, the methods can and have been applied to other biological, chemical, and physical systems.
2023-09-08 / 14:00 ~ 16:00
IBS-KAIST 세미나 - 수리생물학: 인쇄
by ()
Background Microbial community simulations using genome scale metabolic networks (GSMs) are relevant for many application areas, such as the analysis of the human microbiome. Such simulations rely on assumptions about the culturing environment, affecting if the culture may reach a metabolically stationary state with constant microbial concentrations. They also require assumptions on decision making by the microbes: metabolic strategies can be in the interest of individual community members or of the whole community. However, the impact of such common assumptions on community simulation results has not been investigated systematically. Results Here, we investigate four combinations of assumptions, elucidate how they are applied in literature, provide novel mathematical formulations for their simulation, and show how the resulting predictions differ qualitatively. Our results stress that different assumption combinations give qualitatively different predictions on microbial coexistence by differential substrate utilization. This fundamental mechanism is critically under explored in the steady state GSM literature with its strong focus on coexistence states due to crossfeeding (division of labor). Furthermore, investigating a realistic synthetic community, where the two involved strains exhibit no growth in isolation, but grow as a community, we predict multiple modes of cooperation, even without an explicit cooperation mechanism. Conclusions Steady state GSM modelling of microbial communities relies both on assumed decision making principles and environmental assumptions. In principle, dynamic flux balance analysis addresses both. In practice, our methods that address the steady state directly may be preferable, especially if the community is expected to display multiple steady states.
2023-09-07 / 11:50 ~ 12:30
대학원생 세미나 - 대학원생 세미나: Calculus of Variations in Materials Sciences 인쇄
by 서준영(KAIST)
This talk aims to explore the application of calculus of variations in materials sciences. We will discuss the physics behind solid-solid phase transitions and elastic energy. Then the Allen-Cahn model in studying interfaces and their energy will be introduced. Finally, we will examine the Ohta-Kawasaki model and its role in understanding self-assembly in block copolymers. Recent research advancements in the Ohta-Kawasaki problem will also be presented.
2023-09-07 / 16:30 ~ 17:30
학과 세미나/콜로퀴엄 - 콜로퀴엄: 인쇄
by ()
Hénon maps were introduced by Michel Hénon as a simplified model of the Poincaré section of the Lorenz model. They are among the most studied discrete-time dynamical systems that exhibit chaotic behavior. Complex Hénon maps in any dimension have been extensively studied over the last three decades, in parallel with the development of pluripotential theory. We will present the dynamical properties of these maps such as the behavior of point orbits, variety orbits, equidistribution of periodic points and fine ergodic properties of the systems. This talk is based on the work of Bedford, Fornaess, Lyubich, Sibony, Smillie, and on recent work of the speaker in collaboration with Bianchi and Sibony.
2023-09-06 / 16:00 ~ 18:00
IBS-KAIST 세미나 - 대수기하학: 인쇄
by ()
Pluripotential theory, namely positive closed and positive ddc-closed currents, is a fundamental tool in the theory of iteration of holomorphic maps and the theory of foliations. We will start with a crash course on positive closed and positive ddc-closed currents focusing on some recent progress of the pluripotential theory. We then discuss applications in complex dynamics. We will explain how the pluripotential theory allows to obtain equidistribution results, the unique ergodicity or other fine statistical properties. (2 of 2)
2023-09-05 / 16:30 ~ 17:30
IBS-KAIST 세미나 - 이산수학: Delineating half-integrality of the Erdős-Pósa property for minors 인쇄
by Sebastian Wiederrecht(IBS 이산수학그룹)
In 1986, Robertson and Seymour proved a generalization of the seminal result of Erdős and Pósa on the duality of packing and covering cycles: A graph has the Erdős-Pósa property for minor if and only if it is planar. In particular, for every non-planar graph $H$ they gave examples showing that the Erdős-Pósa property does not hold for $H$. Recently, Liu confirmed a conjecture of Thomas and showed that every graph has the half-integral Erdős-Pósa property for minors. In this talk, we start the delineation of the half-integrality of the Erdős-Pósa property for minors. We conjecture that for every graph $H$ there exists a finite family $\mathfrak{F}_H$ of parametric graphs such that $H$ has the Erdős-Pósa property in a minor-closed graph class $\mathcal{G}$ if and only if $\mathcal{G}$ excludes a minor of each of the parametric graphs in $\mathfrak{F}_H$. We prove this conjecture for the class $\mathcal{H}$ of Kuratowski-connected shallow-vortex minors by showing that, for every non-planar $H\in\mathcal{H}$ the family $\mathfrak{F}_H$ can be chosen to be precisely the two families of Robertson-Seymour counterexamples to the Erdős-Pósa property of $H$.
2023-09-12 / 16:30 ~ 17:30
IBS-KAIST 세미나 - 이산수학: The square of every subcubic planar graph of girth at least 6 is 7-choosable 인쇄
by 김석진(건국대)
The square of a graph $G$, denoted $G^2$, has the same vertex set as $G$ and has an edge between two vertices if the distance between them in $G$ is at most $2$. Wegner's conjecture (1977) states that for a planar graph $G$, the chromatic number $\chi(G^2)$ of $G^2$ is at most 7 if $\Delta(G) = 3$, at most $\Delta(G)+5$ if $4 \leq \Delta(G) \leq 7$, and at most $\lfloor \frac{3 \Delta(G)}{2} \rfloor$ if $\Delta(G) \geq 8$. Wegner's conjecture is still wide open. The only case for which we know tight bound is when $\Delta(G) = 3$. Thomassen (2018) showed that $\chi(G^2) \leq 7$ if $G$ is a planar graph with $\Delta(G) = 3$, which implies that Wegner's conjecture is true for $\Delta(G) = 3$. A natural question is whether $\chi_{\ell}(G^2) \leq 7$ or not if $G$ is a subcubic planar graph, where $\chi_{\ell}(G^2)$ is the list chromatic number of $G^2$. Cranston and Kim (2008) showed that $\chi_{\ell}(G^2) \leq 7$ if $G$ is a subcubic planar graph of girth at least 7. We prove that $\chi_{\ell}(G^2) \leq 7$ if $G$ is a subcubic planar graph of girth at least 6. This is joint work with Xiaopan Lian (Nankai University).
2023-09-08 / 16:00 ~ 17:00
학과 세미나/콜로퀴엄 - 대수기하학: Kummer Rigidity on K3 surfaces and its Hyperkähler Generalization 인쇄
by 장승욱(Université de Rennes 1)
In this talk, we discuss some concepts that are used to study (hyperbolic) holomorphic dynamics on K3 surfaces. These concepts include Green currents, their laminations, and Green measures, which emerge as the natural choice for measuring maximal entropy. These tools effectively establish Kummer rigidity – that is, when the Green measure is absolutely continuous to the volume measure, the surface is Kummer, and the dynamics is linear. We provide an overview of the techniques employed to establish this principle and provide a glimpse into their extension within the hyperkähler context – one of the higher-dimensional analogues of K3 surfaces.
Events for the 취소된 행사 포함 모두인쇄
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