Friday, June 19, 2020

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2020-06-23 / 15:00 ~ 16:30
학과 세미나/콜로퀴엄 - 정수론: 인쇄
by 조재현()
We study probabilistic behaviors of elliptic curves with torsion points. First, we compute the probability for elliptic curves over the rationals with a non-trivial torsion subgroup $G$ whose size $\leq 4$ to satisfy a certain local condition. We have a good interpretation of the probabilities we obtain, and for multiplicative reduction case, we have a heuristic to explain the probability. Furthermore, for $G=\mathbb{Z}/ 2\mathbb{Z} $ or $ \mathbb{Z} /2 \mathbb{Z} \times \mathbb{Z} /2 \mathbb{Z} $, we give an explicit upper bound of the $n$-th moment of analytic ranks of elliptic curves with a torsion subgroup $G$ for every positive integer $n$, and show that the probability for elliptic curves with a torsion group $G$ with a high analytic rank is small under GRH for elliptic $L$-function. From the results we have obtained, we conjecture that the condition of having the analytic rank $0$ or $1$ is independent of the condition of having the torsion subgroup $G= \mathbb{Z} /2 \mathbb{Z}$ or $ \mathbb{Z} /2 \mathbb{Z} \times \mathbb{Z} /2 \mathbb{Z}$. (Send me(Bo-Hae Im) an email to get the Zoom link, if you would like to join this seminar.)
2020-06-25 / 10:00 ~ 11:30
학과 세미나/콜로퀴엄 - 정수론: 인쇄
by 김서영 박사()
Let $E$ be an elliptic curve over $\mathbb{Q}$ with discriminant $\Delta_E$. For primes $p$ of good reduction, let $N_p$ be the number of points modulo $p$ and write $N_p=p+1-a_p$. In 1965, Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer formulated a conjecture which implies $$\lim_{x\to\infty}\frac{1}{\log x}\sum_{\substack{p\leq x\\ p\nmid \Delta_{E}}}\frac{a_p\log p}{p}=-r+\frac{1}{2},$$ where $r$ is the order of the zero of the $L$-function $L_{E}(s)$ of $E$ at $s=1$, which is predicted to be the Mordell-Weil rank of $E(\mathbb{Q})$. We show that if the above limit exits, then the limit equals $-r+1/2$. We also relate this to Nagao's conjecture. This is a recent joint work with M. Ram Murty. (If you would like to join this online seminar, please email me (Bo-Hae Im) to get a link.)
2020-06-19 / 15:00 ~ 16:00
학과 세미나/콜로퀴엄 - 박사학위심사: 반연속형 종단 자료를 위한 비모수적 베이지안 함수적 투 파트 임의 효과 모형 인쇄
by 박진수(KAIST)
심사위원장 : 정 연 승, 심 사 위 원 : 김성호, 황강욱, 전현호, 이은지(충남대 통계학과)
Events for the 취소된 행사 포함 모두인쇄
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