Thursday, December 19, 2024

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2024-12-26 / 11:00 ~ 12:00
SAARC 세미나 - SAARC 세미나: 인쇄
by ()
In this talk, we consider a borderline case of double phase problems when the right-hand side is a signed Radon measure with finite total mass. We discuss an integrability result for the gradient of a solution in terms of the first-order maximal function of the associated measure. We also introduce a notion of a solution that guarantees such a regularity result. This is joint work with Pilsoo Shin.
2024-12-19 / 16:00 ~ 17:00
편미분방정식 통합연구실 세미나 - 편미분방정식: Scattering problem for the generalized Korteweg-de Vries equation 인쇄
by ()
In this talk, we study the scattering problem for the initial value problem of the generalized Korteweg-de Vries (gKdV) equation. The purpose of this talk is to achieve two primary goals. Firstly, we show small data scattering for (gKdV) in the weighted Sobolev space, ensuring the initial and the asymptotic states belong to the same class. Secondly, we introduce two equivalent characterizations of scattering in the weighted Sobolev space. In particular, this involves the so-called conditional scattering in the weighted Sobolev space. This talk is based on a joint work with Satoshi Masaki (Hokkaido University)
2024-12-26 / 14:00 ~ 16:00
학과 세미나/콜로퀴엄 - 응용수학 세미나: Neural Network Approximations with Wavelet Systems 인쇄
by 임효재(Johann Radon Institute for Computational and Appli)
In recent years, machine learning techniques based on neural networks have achieved remarkable success across various fields, and they have demonstrated a notable ability to represent solutions to inverse problems. From a mathematical perspective, the core aspect of this success lies in their strong approximation ability to target functions, underscoring the importance of understanding their approximation properties. As wavelet systems offer notable advantages in approximation, this talk focuses on neural network approximations that employ such systems. We will begin by studying wavelet systems' fundamental structures and basic properties, then introduce main approximation theories using wavelet frames. Finally, we will explore recent studies on neural networks that incorporate these wavelet systems.
Events for the 취소된 행사 포함 모두인쇄
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