(전체일정: 7/28, 7/29, 8/3, 8/5)
In 2d first-passage percolation, we let (t_e) be a family of i.i.d. weights associated to the edges of the square lattice, and let T = T(x,y) be the induced weighted graph metric on Z^2. If we let p be the probability that a weight takes the value 0, then there is a transition in the large-scale behavior of T depending on the value of p. Specifically, when p < 1/2, T grows linearly, but when p > 1/2, T is stochastically bounded. In these lectures, I will describe some of the standard questions of FPP in the case p < 1/2, and then focus on the "critical" case, where p = 1/2. Regarding this case, I will show some of my work over the last few years including exact asymptotics for T, universality results, and recent work on a dynamical version of the model. The work I will present was done in collaboration with J. Hanson, D. Harper, W.-K. Lam, P. Tang, and X. Wang.
Lec 1: Introduction and the passage time to infinity