Topology 1(À§»ó¼öÇÐ °³·Ð 1)

The purpose of this course is to introduce the concept of topology, topological spaces, and continuity. Topology was revolutionary in the early 20th century providing many
new ideas in various parts of mathematics.

Topology will play basic roles in analysis, algebra, and differential geometry. It serves as a foundation so one must become fairly comfortable with point-set topology in order to succeed in undergraduate and graduate education. Even in many areas of applied mathematics, topology appears often in disguised or undisguised forms.

We will introduce topological spaces, metric spaces, continuity, and various separation properties of topological spaces, i.e., Hausdorff property, regularity, normality, etc. We will discuss connectedness, compactness, sequences, separation properties, metrizations, quotient topology, function spaces and compact open topology. We will examine examples of topological spaces and constructions of topological spaces.

Also, there is a topology exam in the entrance examination for MS and Ph.D. degrees
as well as a qualifying exam at MS level in topology which you must pass.

Basic Text books are Munkres, "Topology, an introduction" and
Kahn, "Introduction to point-set topology and algebraic areas."


½Ã°£: È­¸ñ: 10:30-11:45 Àå¼Ò: 056-218

2004I Á¶±³:

Àü¿ìÁø: ¿¬±¸½Ç 27µ¿ 318È£, ÀüÈ­: 6272,  À̸ÞÀÏ:

           ¸é´ã½Ã°£: ¸ñ 4-5½Ã

¸¶´ë°Ç: ¿¬±¸½Ç: 27µ¿ 321È£, ÀüÈ­: 1316, À̸ÞÀÏ:

           ¸é´ã½Ã°£: È­ 1-2½Ã

Office: 27-317C


Phone: 880-8169

Exams: midterm and final

Reports: 4 times or so

Grades: Midterm 25 pts, Final 35 pts, Report 30 pts, Participation 10pts


2004 1Çб⠼ºÀû





 °­ÀÇ °èȹ




 Set theory, metric spaces




 Topology, interior, boundary, bases




 subbases, order topology, product topology




 Continuous functions, Hausdorff topology




 Metric topology



4¿ù 6,8

 Compact spaces, Tyconoff theorem



4¿ù 13,15

 Connected spaces



4¿ù 20,22

 Quotient topology

Áß°£ °í»ç 22ÀÏ


4¿ù 27,29

 Quotient topology



5¿ù 4,6

 Separation properties



5¿ù 11,13

 Separation properties



5¿ù 18,20

 Stone-Cech compactifications



5¿ù 25, 27

 Metrization theorem



6¿ù 2, 4

 Complete metric spaces and function spaces



6¿ù 8.10.

 ±â¸»°í»ç 10ÀÏ