Homepage for MAS478 - Discrete Geometry - Spring 2012

September-2010 September-2010

Syllabus and course information.

We will use Part 1 from Igor Pak's book which can be downloaded here.
The notes by Keith Ball will also be useful. They can be downloaded here.
Chapter 4 of the book by Jirka Matousek can be downloaded here. pdf-file.

Course notes can be downloaded here.

Lecture notes

Here are lecture notes by Alfredo Hubard for Spring 2012.


Monday - Wednesday - Friday : 15.00 - 15.50. Room : E6-1 3433

February Guest Lecturer: Alfredo Hubard (alfhubard[at]gmail.com)


Problem solving

Throughout the course we will suggest many problems for you to work on. Some will be simple, and some will be harder problems. It is not mandatory to submit solutions, but you should come to the office hours to discuss strategies for solving the more difficult problems.


Grading will be based on your midterm project, your final exam, and your participation in problem solving.
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