Homepage for MAS575 - Combinatorics - Spring 2011

September-2010 September-2010

Syllabus and course information.

Please come see me if you have any questions.

Office Hours: M-W-F: 15.00 - 16.00.

If these times are not convenient just make an appointment by email or phone!

office: E6-1 4411

email: andreash[at]kaist.edu

tlf: (+82) 42 350 7300


Tuesday- Thursday: 14.30 - 15.45. Room : E6-1 3433

Suggested problems

Problems will be suggested in class. It is important that you try to solve all suggested problems. Solutions will be covered in a recitation class.

Midterm projects

Instead of a midterm exam we will have class projects. Two persons work together on a project: there will be a written report and a presentation in class.

Due date for written reports: April 14th. Presentations will be in May.

Chi Heon Kim, Yewon Jeong : Equiangular lines.

Heesang Ann, Seong Gu Jeong : Hadamard matrices.

Jisu Jeong, Ringi Kim : Hall's theorem.

Yeongmin Ban, Rak Yong Choi : Latin squares.

O Joung Kwon, Byung Joon Choi : Tau-critical hypergraphs.

Insu Yun, Dongmin Lee : Combinatorial geometry.

Weekly progress