
Introduction to Linear Algebra

Course No.

MAS 109


Section A TuTh 14:30-16:00 :
Professor Shin, Dong Hwa(, ext.2792, E6-4424)
Section B TuTh 13:00-14:30 :
Professor Lee, Ji Oon(, ext.2711, E6-2404)
Section C MWF 13:00-14:00 :
Professor Lee, Sungyun(, ext.2721, E6-2403)
Section D MWF 14:00-15:00 :
Professor Kwon, Oh Sang(, ext.2787, E2-3215)

Head TA

Son, Jurak(, ext.2794, E6-4417)



TA Information

Will be updated soon.

Recitation Schedule


Homework Problems

Past Examinations


To send an e-mail, please replace _at_ with @.

홈페이지에 글을 올릴 때는 실명으로 올리세요.

앞으로 가명으로 올라오는 모든 글은 경고없이 무조건 삭제됩니다.

When you post an article, you must use your name.

Never use your nickname.
If you post an article without your name, it will be removed without previous warning.


February 9, 2011
Welcome to the homepage for Introduction to Linear Algebra MAS 109.

[Enrollment of recitation class]

During the 3rd week February, all students have to enroll in one of the recitation classes. There are 8 recitation classes on Thursday, among which 7 classes are Korean and one is English. You can freely choose your recitation class on first-come first-serve basis. To register for a recitation class, you simply go to the recitation classroom at next week first recitation class. The maximum number of students in each recitation class is 30.


[Posting an article]


If you have any question on this course, you can freely post an article on the Q&A board. Posting an article is much better than sending to the head TA an e-mail because what you wonder is everyone’s wonder:) When you post an article, you may write it in either Korean or English.

[English Recitation Section]

There will be only one English recitation section. The section name is Thu8D, time is Thursday 20:00-21:15, and the recitation room is E11-209. All the remaining sections will be given in Korean.